Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Treasure Tuesday

Today's dilemma....where to keep all those pesky safety pins so they're close by when I need them, but  not scattered all around in a mess???

I've had this one particular Ball canning jar that's smaller than the rest in my cabinet and I'm not exactly sure where it came from, especially since a canner I am not. Well, never you mind because it turns out this jar was perfect for this little project. I remembered seeing this one day while perusing sewing room design ideas and thinking it was a pretty nifty craft project.

After deciding what I'd be doing with my jar, I dug out the instructions here, picked out some really cute floral print fabric from my stockpile and started the project by cutting a circle about 1 inch greater in diameter than the jar lid from the fabric.

Then I traced the lid onto some beautifully bold and bright pink card stock and cut that out as well.

Next I started gluing the fabric around the lid perimeter onto the sealing compound. Once I had three sides of the fabric secured, I started stuffing fiberfill between the fabric and jar lid. Cotton balls would work well here, too, but I opted for fiberfill and packed it in fairly tight.

Once I finished hot gluing on the stuffed fabric, I glued the card stock backer on and inserted it all into the metal screw band, threw my safety pins inside the jar and fastened on the lid. My safety pin dilemma has been quickly solved with this handy little treasure jar.

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