Sunday, January 13, 2013

Drizzly Day

It's been a rainy, drizzly Sunday and the whole house has felt fairly blah with the ickiness we're seeing through the windows. Sitting here reflecting on the day, though, we somehow accomplished quite a bit more than I would've ever expected.

Dear daughter finished a needle felting order that will be delivered next weekend in plenty of time for it to be the Valentine's Day gift it's intended to be - well, two gifts, actually, as she created two very different critters for our beloved customer to present to her two very special people.

While she was doing all of that, I put together my outline for the week so I can complete as many projects as possible in between meeting my writing deadlines. I also took time to learn some new, incredibly helpful things from Dana at Made and managed to fix a minor issue I kept running into with my sewing machine, thanks to some very detailed Fixya posts. Seriously, how did people do this for so many years without the Internet??? Fascinating.

And to top it all off, I got my major horsey project underway and almost ready to start sewing...until I realized I'd miscalculated how much trim I needed. So it's all pinned together and waiting for 4 more yards of trim - really, my measurement was more than a little off that time, wouldn't you say? The great news is, if this turns out like I hope it does, I could absolutely see myself making quite a few more of them (and definitely at least one for my little spotted mule). I can't wait to show off the final result.

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