Thursday, January 17, 2013

My Ratty Old Window

I got this idea after reading the incredibly detailed instructions from The Borrowed Abode and went out into the world seeking an old window frame. You know how they say that what you're looking for is usually right in front of your face... whoever they are? Well, it's absolutely true, because one day I was hanging out in the barn with my mule in our favorite spot by the water trough (where we meet up darn near every night) and, for whatever reason, we both looked up at the same time and that's when I noticed this gorgeously weathered old window frame. It was just sitting there, waiting for a new purpose, all this time right in front of my eyes. So naturally I snatched it up and brought it into the craft room. It was eyecatching before my whole reformation process even started... see:

The plan is to finish sanding it down, now that I've scrubbed it clean, pair it up with that old window screen seen in the picture, splash on a coat of paint or two and some poly, insert a few pieces of hardware and see how it looks.

To continue this gritty old barn theme, I dug out a few of my all time favorites to find use for along with my new-to-me window frame. I see a couple of awesomely rustic wreaths and in my near future!

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