Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Showing Off My Assets

Oh, now don't get too worked up when you see this project because the reversible green vest came ready-made. The embellishments, however, were mostly my handiwork.
For this particular task, I needed to design a specific applique and thought, hey, why not use my very favorite male model...
I did my thing to Z's photo and turned it into a black and white mirror image so I could trace it onto some Heat n' Bond.
Once I had my applique ready to go, the fun began with ironing and cutting and sewing, until I had this final product:
I can't take credit for the Z - it was an iron-on I purchased over a year ago and had tucked away in a drawer just waiting to find a purpose.
But I can absolutely take credit for that signature "A" on Z's butt there! All in all, I think it turned out pretty cute and I love that it's my actually my little boy being shown off on the back of my new-to-me vest.

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