Saturday, February 16, 2013

Cut It Up

We've had a good dose of under-the-weather-ness running rampant here today, so manufacturing has come to a standstill. Lots of other things have been done, don't get me wrong. I just haven't operated the sewing machine or ironed fabrics or any of that good stuff.

But the sickly girl wanted something to keep her bust while she recuperates, so I assigned her the fun task of hunting down quirky little appliques and maybe a new bag design or two. Why? Because we need some things to cut up and piece together when she feels better. :) She's done a great job so far. Once or twice I've glanced at her screen and seen a top hat or owl, and at one point I'm pretty sure there was one of those bikini t-shirts staring back at her. But hey, who am I to judge how a creative mind works???

Despite getting off course a bit, this afternoon was a great writing time for me and I actually got several assignments knocked out well ahead of my deadlines. If ever you find yourself interested in other activities with which I keep myself occupied, by all means check out some of these links:

In case you don't hear from me tomorrow, have a wonderful and blessed Sunday!!!

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