Thursday, February 14, 2013

Artsy Heartsy

Happy Valentine's Day, lovers!!!! In honor of this wonderful heart-filled holiday, I give you my artsy heartsy satchel... TADA!


So how did I manage to make this, you wonder? Ok, let me be totally honest here. This was supposed to be a lined backpack using a really super cutesy pattern I found on the Quilt Magazine website. Well, as you can clearly see, that did not happen. Something didn't quite jive with me and the straps and so I went with my old standby, the drawstring!

I started by cutting out two different heart-shaped appliques and ironing them onto the same fabric I used for the liner of the bag. Yes, you read that correctly. I may not have succeeded at the backpack strings, but I somehow got a liner sewn into this bag! Go figure.

After ironing, I stitched all around the perimeter of the appliques. Even though the heat bond says it'll hold these little suckers on, it also says it's sewable, so I go for maximum durability. I also think it looks really nice with the sewn border, don't you?

The upcycling portion of this project is the drawstring, which came from some less-than-eye-pleasing curtain tie-backs I purchased a few years ago and never used. They've been taking up space in a drawer and I finally decided they either needed to find a purpose or find their way to the trash can. One down, one to go!

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