Monday, February 25, 2013

Today Went Swimmingly...

On this fine, fine Monday, I confirmed my deepest, darkest fear. Dear daughter is truly a gal cut from the same cloth as her mother. We went to our mecca, AKA the local Goodwill store, in search of that much despised ready-made jewelry display I told you about the other day for a little something special I've got going on in the near future, right? Right.

So I say to her that I need this certain kind of fabric to make this certain kind of thing and it's her job to go find it hanging on a rack somewhere. Of course, she continues to follow about 3 steps behind me and I have to remind her that whatever it is she's supposed to locate is most certainly not on my backside anywhere. Once convinced, she wandered off alone in search of the holy grail of mystery fabrics and I in the other direction to find that dreaded jewelry display.

I rounded the corner to find her just as proud as can be, prepared to present her findings. Not only had she found the right fabric, she'd hit the motherload and had put a great deal of thought into it. Then she took off and started feeling everything - pants, shirts, jackets, skirts - EVERYTHING IN SIGHT - shouting out what it could be transformed into. At last she's experienced what it's like to live inside my head when the creative juices start a'flowin'!!! I loved it.

Needless to say, our little shopping excursion gave us a few goodies to bring home to the craft room. I should have some new creations to start sharing with all of you tomorrow!

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