Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Happy Tails

Don't you hate it when you go to bed early, get all snuggly warm in your bed, are nearly to the doorstep of dreamland and realize you've forgotten to do something? Like, say, write a blog post? Then you fall asleep anyway? That would be this lady last night. But oh, what a wonderful night's sleep I did have.

And today I'm happy to report that, despite my slight bout of forgetfulness, I did manage to get some things done yesterday. My good, good friend asked me to whip up some more tail bags for her out of the cutest material - did I ever mention that she works in a craft store and has access to all sorts of delightfulness??? - and that was my priority of the day. Aren't these simply adorable fabrics?!


I managed to squeeze 10, count 'em, TEN tail bags of various lengths from what she gave me. Two were just barely 24" long without tabs, as a result of cutting two incredibly long bags to accommodate her rather long-tailed Quarter Horse out of the same swatches, so I sewed on Velcro instead and it all worked out perfectly. 

Aside from all of that creative fun stuff, I made sure to pound out some work and correspondence in the writing world after receiving another wonderfully unexpected freelance opportunity in my inbox Monday morning. I also had a chance to delve back into my business brain and help out a few former colleagues, which is always good for keeping this old mind active.

Today continues a tail bag cutting and sewing extravaganza because, hey, when you're on a streak, you have to respect the streak! Tomorrow I might just try my hand at a few hobo bags or something kicky and fun like that.With the warmer temperatures creeping in I might have a chance to work outside and get some bigger projects underway soon! Yippee!!!

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