Thursday, February 21, 2013

Notions & News

I'm not sure why, but I feel compelled to share this story in the hope that it inspires someone else not to give up when things are looking bleak. I was really struggling with some things this morning when I heard a statement on television that really caught my attention..."Sometimes in life you have to lay one thing down so you can grab onto another." This really got me thinking and changed my whole frame of mind for the day. Almost immediately I received an invitation to participate in a future joint business venture.

A little later I received a phone call that set me back, got me worrying and really had me feeling a heavy burden. I turned to a friend for support and read my daily Bible verse to get over that hurdle, then went back to concentrating on my work. Much to my complete and total surprise, the very next phone call I received was an amazing opportunity that I have been praying about but wasn't sure would come my way - and I certainly didn't think it would roll along this quickly. Somedays I am truly taken aback by the blessings in my life. Then I realized the absolute hardest part of the whole day was waiting to share all of this with my family!

Once I finally got around to creative time, I spent all of it up trying to figure out what to do with these thingies. Ok, I should probably just throw them away, but they intrigue me. They're the remaining pieces to the curtain tie-backs that I had tucked away for years (I used the cord in my Artsy Heartsy Satchel on Valentine's Day). I keep flipping them around, situating them, rearranging them and trying to find a purpose for them but continue to come up idea-less. What would you do with them?

Perhaps tomorrow will be more fruitful??? One can only hope!

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