Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Way Back Wednesday

This week has been a bit of a roller coaster, which led to today really being out of whack. But it was messed up in a mostly good way, so it's all ok. Monday's journey back into corporate America was very rewarding for me, and hopefully fruitful for the folks I worked with. My intention was to go in and impart some of my wisdom upon them and I feel I was able to accomplish that. Yesterday took me out of commission for some personal business and I expected to be back in the swing of thing today.

Wellllllllllllllll, here's what happened. Last night I joined in on a conference call for At Home that was so informative and got my business mind flowing again, which is odd because evening is usually my creative time. Anyway, so I got to work on some marketing plans, etc., etc. I went to bed with a very clear idea of how today should look. I woke up with a totally different view, though, and the only things from my original agenda that I accomplished were creating one sewing pattern and packing up a few more items for this weekend's tack sale. So, in lieu of a completed sewing project I planned to show you from the pattern I worked up, I decided to surprise you with a few floral creations I'm rather proud of from way back when. I hope you enjoy them!!!

 Choose Life Ribbon Designed for St. Mary's Catholic School

 Support Our Troops and Breast Cancer Awareness Ribbons

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