Thursday, April 3, 2014

April Showers Blah Blah Blah

I've been a bit out of commission for the past 7 days and these April showers are not making me feel especially productive! Not that I'd be doing much today anyway, but I want to get next week's projects planned so I feel I've accomplished a little bit of something.

In order to do so, let's recap what's going on in the craft room, other than two big ole puppies just lounging around guarding the place...I have 2 pyrography projects sort of hanging in mid-burn, plenty of beads with a desire to be transformed into jewelry, 5 horse blankets in need of mending, 2 show vests that have to be cut and sewn and fitted and blinged to the max. Ok, so it looks like that's the start of a pretty full schedule for me.

Hopefully I can get a jump on all of this tomorrow, but first things first. I am going to officially start working on my very first quarter auction for a young mother at church. My part is to create invitations and gather up come donated items from local businesses. This is one of the most exciting projects I have ever been part of and I can't to dive in!!!

But for now, I think I'll rest up and conserve a bit more energy. It appears I may be needing it after reviewing that schedule I've just created for myself! Have a great day, all, as I leave with you with this totally true statement:

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