Sunday, March 3, 2013

The Rundown

I had a grumpy body day and had to skip out on riding, but from what I hear, Dear Daughter and her cohort had an equally wonderful time with both the long-eared and short-eared equines. I hate that I had to miss out, but sometimes that just happens.

Now before I go any further, didn't that awesome kid of mine do a great job writing her very first blog post for all of you last night?! I, for one, was incredibly proud!!!  She went from being a nervous wreck to being so humble. It was cute as cute could be.

In other news, I have a rapidly growing stack of mending work to do and some new projects to get finished before March 17 and share with you. However, my bill-paying workload also took an upward turn and must take priority. I'm in the midst of finding a positive work/craft/life balance so I can get it all accomplished and still maintain my childlike youth. Or my sanity. Oh, who am I kidding?! I get to work the majority of the time in my comfy clothes, jammin' to my favorite tunes, chatting with my gal pal with my feet kicked up on a pair of canine foot rests!

What I'm trying to say is I don't know when I'll get a project out for you to drool all over, but it will be sometime this week. So...

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