Sunday, March 10, 2013

Making Progress

It was such a beautiful spring-like day outside today, so I set the hubby up on the patio with my window frame project to make a little progress for me. Once I pulled it down from it's perch on the wall and threatened to use his power tools myself, that is. :)

I got everything situated first by measuring, cutting and stapling the screen onto the back of the window frame before hubs stepped foot outdoors, so the hard work was already done for him. I even pre-drilled the holes for the knobs. Ok, so I didn't truly enlist his help until I realized the screws weren't long enough - OOPS!
Being the reliable and handy carpenter type guy that he is, though, he was happy to countersink the screws for all four knobs. Not only that, but he also installed 10 of the 15 hooks for me across the top of the frame.
That was enough for one day (I mean c'mon, there was a NASCAR race I had to watch and a basketball game of which he needed to know the outcome) so we brought it back inside to remount on the wall until I get the next few components ready to install. Perhaps you've already figured out what it will be. Maybe you haven't. Only time will reveal it's final purpose. :)
XOXO until next time, peeps!!!!

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