Tuesday, May 20, 2014

A Novel Concept

I find myself taking more and more of these Facebook quizzes..."What Is Your Dream Job", "How Does Your Brain Work", "What Are You Meant To Do"... and I answer the questions as if there's some mystery that will be revealed at the end of it all.

"You are a writer."
"You are a creative thinker."
"You are meant to write."


Then I saw this quote posted somewhere on Facebook (because I clearly spend too much time on Facebook) and it finally hit me...I need to stop saying it's what I do and actually do it
And I don't mean just doing it for other people, but to start doing it for a greater purpose.
I have three titles in my head, one book started, one with illustrations started and another with a book cover. Why am I not completing these? Fear. Andrea Phillips nailed it for me in her blog post "The Four Fears That Stop Writers From Writing":
  1. Fear about (lack of) talent
  2. Fear about feedback
  3. Fear about publication
  4. Fear about being judged
No more time for fear. I have decided to take one of these projects at a time and, no matter how long it takes me, I intend to complete them. 

2 Timothy 1-7 "For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline."

I figure, if I can publish blog posts, write articles, tell tales about my critters and put my project successes and failures out there for all to see, why shouldn't I take the next, bigger step? Me thinks this is not how my story is going to end. 

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