Monday, June 2, 2014

Garage Clean Up

I don't know what garage clean up looks like at your house, but this is what it looks like where I live:


Poor Utah, the youngest of our two dogs, couldn't catch a break. Dear daughter was left unattended for about 15 minutes with him and I returned to a giggling teenager and a shame-faced puppy. Then she showed me the photographic evidence of what they'd been doing in my absence. My goshness. In Utah's defense, he really doesn't care. He'll take all the attention he can get, fully believing that he's just a ginormous 75-pound lap kitty, and he loves being with his little girl. But wow. 

As a family we managed to find the garage floor, discover numerous yard sale-able items, put out several bags for trash, locate a few long-lost treasures, organize tools and almost have the building ready to receive a long-awaited new garage door. I'd say this Saturday phase-1 project was a success. Of course, it's still a work in progress until the new door is on. But hey, we managed to stay focused on a single goal for one entire day. For this family, that is one major accomplishment!

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