While I rested my eyes earlier today I was imagining some old sheet music and printed graphics projects. I have gads and gads of old sheet music and just loaded up the printer with fresh ink cartridges, so I'm going to get a few ideas mapped out as this week marches onward. I don't recall ever actually completing one of these pieces, though I've put quite a bit of thought into them and have often admired the work of others.
Dear hubby and I also found a pair of old drawers that we may or may not use in some large-scale wall art projects. Our other major pieces to finish designing involve pallets. Right now we have two at our disposal with a couple more available. We've made some decent contacts recently and sort of feel like Red in "Shawshank Redemption"...you know, the man who knows how to get things. Sometimes it's good to know people.
In other news, the Quarter Auction for Brandi's Babies yesterday was an amazing success. My women's Missional Life Group accomplished so much with the support of a great church family and community. We served delicious food and had such fun fellowship. Words can't describe how wonderful it is to help someone the way our community stepped up to help Brandi and her children. When all of the excitement had ended, I asked my daughter if she'd be interested in doing another one, as she worked diligently selling quarters to bidders, and she didn't hesitate at all to say "yes!" I love being surrounded by the giving spirit.
So now looking back over this post on such a dreary Monday, maybe I really do have a big, cheesy smile on my face. I have more than enough to be thankful for. Plenty of crafting to keep my hands busy, a man who loves me and will entertain me while we work, a daughter whom I see mature more and more each day, and all of it given to me by a great and loving God.
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