Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Mending Day

Yesterday we were out enjoying the sunshine, riding our long-eared critters around in short-sleeved shirts and today I'm watching the snow fly from the warmth of the craft room once again. Oh, who doesn't love some fantastic Ohio weather?!

It's not so bad being stuck in the craft room, though. I spent the morning mending a horse blanket. Well, strike that. It's a mule blanket. :) One of the back leg straps had mysteriously become removed, but it was still a rather clean and simple stitching repair.I also had the privilege of rebuilding a bling necklace this morning. Both of these will be leaving for Houston later this week to accompany their owner to a mule show, and personally, I couldn't be more excited. I rather enjoy knowing that my craftsmanship is going on the road.

In other news, we have a new precious baby boy in our family!!! I have an awesome surprise in the works for him that will be revealed only after I present it to his parents on their arrival home from the hospital tomorrow. He is a very miraculous gift from God, that is certain, and he will be cherished.

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