Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Common Sense

That's right, on this day in 1776, Thomas Paine published his pamphlet "Common Sense". Fast forward 237 years and I'll fill you in on what I've been up to on January 9, 2013. :)

This morning I was pleasantly greeted by the custom-made spool rack my dear husband crafted and installed at my sewing station. He was even thoughtful enough to include notches for my chopsticks and extra bobbin holders at the top. It is a great little piece of craftsmanship and I adore it wholeheartedly.

Now, while he was doing all of this, I laundered 7 horse sleazies in need of mending before sewing together shells for 6 John Deere pillows - heck, I even successfully completed one for a fine young lad I know who just happens to be a major league fan of good old John Deere.

And then.... surprise visit by my dear horsey friend who loved the tail bags I made over the weekend. Shocker, she brought along another little bit of fabric for me to make a few more for her, as well as all the fixin's to create a custom horse cooler blanket. This is a huge undertaking for me so I need nothing but positive thoughts to get me through a project of this magnitude. I'm a little bit nervous and a whole lot excited to see how it turns out. Never fear, there will be pictures of the end result for all to see.

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