Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Flies, Fly Away (please?!?)

I don't know about any of you, but I am sick and tired of FLIES!!! They're bugging our poor donkeys and mules. Bugging them. Get it, get it?! So anyway, we've sprayed and poulticed and wrapped and let the critters roll to get the flies off 'em and then....

we put super schmexy socks on them. They were not exactly thrilled at first, then they figured out it sort of helped. The donkeys kept them on with no problem, but for some reason the mules couldn't keep more than two socks on for more than one night at a time. Me thinks they're a bit more rambunctious and frolicky outside than the donkeys!

While we kinda sorta got the legs taken care of, we're trying to keep fly masks on the lighter colored mule to keep those pesky buggers away from their eyes, too. Unfortunately they rub their faces, or in some cases help each other remove the fly masks, and tear off Velcro or rip apart seams. So I'm on mask repair duty to piece a few back together for the good of our longeared babies.

Today's poor, tattered soul was pretty rough around the edges. I cut off the long mesh around the one unbound ear hole and side first.

Then I reattached the Velcro straps so the mask would stay on securely again.

And finally, I bound up the jagged edges around the ear hole so the old boy who'll be sporting this fly mask can wear it in comfort once again.

That should just about do it for today. I've got some other horse garment repairs planned for tomorrow and hopefully a show vest in the works. We'll see how that plan pans out! 

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