Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Finding My Place...

Stagnation is the state of being still, or not moving, like a sitting puddle of water where stagnation attracts mosquitoes. The root of stagnation is the Latin word for "standing water," stagnatum.

I feel like I've been fairly stagnant since October 2014, when my house underwent the first stage of decluttering. Boxes appeared, sorting began, my normal was in upheaval. Nothing has been the same since, and everything that kept me evened out came to a screeching halt.. No more crafting, no more creativity. Just being still.

Thankfully that is all about to change. There is now an official countdown to the day my life will become what I've dreamed of since I was a little girl - one in which I can look out my window and see my horses, my donkey, my mule....all in my own pastures. I do not know what that will feel like, but I can imagine it will be breathtaking every time I see it because I have longed for it. I imagine the inspiration this change of setting will bring to my life and I just smile.

Beyond that, I will have my special place to be me reestablished once again. This new place I am about to call home has a private little nook tucked away, perfect for sewing and crafting and creating and being me without interrupting the rest of the house. I can't wait to settle in to that space. That will make this new house my new home.