Saturday, April 13, 2013

On Hiatus

It seems my anticipated couple of days hiatus has turned into something much bigger, and for that I am very sorry, yet very thankful. I feel so neglectful - of my readers, of my sewing machine and of the poor craft room in general, which has been turned upside down to become an impromptu home office.

My trips back into corporate America have evolved beyond what I could have imagined and opened up more than just the cupboard door, so I have opportunities at my feet that I didn't expect and, therefore, quite a bit to contemplate over the next week.

Never fear, though, because no matter what my decision or the outcome of said decision, I will still retreat to my reliable craft room and continue to express my creativity and ooze it out into the world. Just maybe not in quite the same capacity I intended a few short months ago. There's a reason for everything that happens in our lives, we just need to trust in the Lord and the path on which He places us.